Ocean Friends Against Driftnets

Ocean FAD not only stands for Fish Aggregating Device (FAD)
Our Ocean FAD (Friends Against Driftnets) strive for a "World-wide" BAN on "High Seas" Driftnets
Ocean Friends Against Driftnets (OFAD) was formed to alert and educate the public about the destruction from ongoing Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) international driftnet fishing.
Our goal is to teach & establish sustainable fishing methods internationally, and promote the benefits of a world-wide BAN on "high seas" driftnets.
OceanFAD's founders, and acting directors:
OceanFAD's President- John Harder is a certified sustainable Albacore Tuna Troll Fisherman. John's ambitions and goals in life have led him to his experiences of fishing all around the Pacific Ocean for Albacore Tuna. In his journeys he has witnessed first hand, how devastating driftnets are to our ocean life.
OceanFAD's Vice President-William Harder has great respect for nature, and is very passionate in saving our rivers and oceans. In William's spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and taking a active leadership role in the Boy Scouts of America.
OceanFAD's Secretary- Christy Herring also shares John and William's deep passion, and respect for the ocean. Not only is Christy a active and well respected member of the United Nations Association, she has been a invaluable asset to the development of OceanFAD.
OceanFAD's Mission
Our first priority is to alert the public & law enforcement of the existence of this Illigal Unidentified, & Unreported (IUU) driftnet fishing activity.
Our long term goal is to obtain 3-5 research vessels for monitoring fishing areas on the "High Seas". Such vessels would collect scientific data, partake in fish & ocean life assessments, and teaching sustainable fishing methods, such as Trolling for Tuna, internationally.
OceanFAD's Journal
Learn about where we have come from, where we are now, and where we are going.